13 Brougham Place

North Adelaide SA Australia 5006

+61 8 8361 7722

What you will discover

How to Get 5-12 Year Olds to Behave and Do As They’re Told

If you’re not interested in how to make children behave and how to take the stress out of parenting, then, please do not read any further, this is not for you…

Without doubt, one of the major issues that presents to a clinical practice is parents wanting to know how to get their children to behave.

All in all, being a parent is hard work! It can be downright difficult.

It can take you to the “edge”.  It can leave you disheartened and disillusioned.

If you’d prefer the book in Kindle version or in Hardcover, then please click on the link below. The audio version is also available by clicking on the alternative link below.

This book however, aims to take the real stress out of parenting. It has been a program that has been in development for over 15 years – and there are scores of parents who can attest to its benefits.

The book is called “Growing Up Children; How to Get 5-12 Year Olds to Behave & Do As They’re Told” and is available now at US$9 for the audio version. You get the entire book professionally narrated for you in MP3 format, so you can listen in the car or on your i-pod or anywhere really.

In this book, you will discover the following:

  • Why the first 7 years in life are the most critical
  • Why we are ineffective as parentsWhy we seem to say the same thing to our children day after day and nothing seems to change
  • How to really get across to children
  • How to find the balance in parenting
  • How to set up a clear program for everyone to follow
  • How to get your child to do as you ask the first time
  • How to deal with aggression
  • How you and your partner can agree on parenting your children
  • How to improve your child’s self-confidence
  • How to create more family harmony and cooperation

What Parents Say

“Growing Up Children is a very practical book for parents written in a lively and engaging manner by a parent and child psychologist. Simply and step by step Darryl leads us through the maze of parenting a young child during these formative years. The book is lavishly illustrated with examples from his clinical practice, which bring a very practical and realistic feel to the book. His supplementary ‘hints’ for parenting is a unique feature of the book. This is a book that belongs in the home of every parent.”

Professor Phillip Slee, Department of Education, Flinders University, Sturt, South Australia
